Första "riktiga" skoldagen är förbi!

Ja, igår hade vi ju bara orientation men idag var det på riktigt.

So far tycker jag faktiskt att det är jätteinspirerande att gå i skolan! Har folk i mina klasser som är föräldrar som bor i slummen men vill förändra sina liv genom att plugga lixom... Sånt inspirerar mig att jobba ännu hårdare!!!
Har en svensk kille från Stockholm i alla mina klasser, så det är nice :P

Dock har jag redan köpt skolböcker för typ 700-800 spänn vilket inte är lika roligt :P haha

Efter skolan idag var jag typ dödstrött så jag la mig på soffan och sov i typ 2 timmar :P haha not good really.... Kul att jag blir exhausted efter första skoldagen som bara innehöll typ "kursgenomgånger" och presentationer :P haha

Min dator funkar nu om jag använder sladden till modemet däremot tror jag att jag har glömt min överföringssladd till kameran hemma så jag kan inte lägga upp bilder förrens jag köpt en ny sladd :( Men det kommer! Be patient!

In the city of my dreams!

Here I am, in New York city, the city of my dreams <3

Jag är verkligen här! Shit alltså!
Anna och jag flyttade in i våran lägenhet i fredags och jag gillar den jättemycket!:) Den ligger bra till (6 stationer med tunnelbanan till grand central station, vilket tar typ 10 minuter)
Visst är den liten och "använd" men den är perfekt för oss!

I fredags bjöd vi hit Jordan och Ruket på lite vin och middag... Mycket trevligt :D
I lördags åkte vi till Harlem och handlade massa mat och basvarot på Target.. Shit vad mycket vi handlade och det var typ omöjligt att få en taxi där så vi höll på att kollapsa både för att det var tungt och för att vi var trötta. Lördagskvällen spenderade vi på Roxy´s (på Times square där Anna bjöd mig på välkomstmiddag) , sen fastnade vi på Times Square för att vi pratade med en sån här som säljer biljetter till comedy shows..Han heter Zach och ärjättetrevlig:)  Vi pratademed honom i typ 40 minuteroch detslutademed att han mötte upp oss senare på kvällen. Vi hade jättetrevligt och även min vän Christina var med! <3

I söndags var jag och Zach på "The Met" (Metropolitan museum of art) vilket var jättetrevligt!
Efter museet skulle Zach jobba så jag tog en promenad genom Central park (i vårsolen) och sen gick jag till Times square för att shoppa med Ruket på Forever 21:) Efter det tog vi en fika och sen gick vi vidare till HM.... Jag kom hem typ 20.45 efter en låång dag och hade sååå ont i fötterna så jag fixade middag, duschade och sen läste jag i min bok medans jag drack lite te och sen somnade jag :)

Anna har nightclass idag så jag är ensam hemma och ska nu ut för en promenad/joggingtur i central park innan jag ska hem och städa, äta middag och sen sova och ladda för första riktiga skoldagen (idag hade vi bara orientation vilket var mycket inpirerande och trevligt faktiskt)

Förresten så fungerar det inte att koppla upp mig på nätet på min dator så jag lånar nu Annas (därför kan jag inte lägga upp så mycket bilder nu), vet ite om jag måste köpa en ny dator eller om jag kan fixa det... :/

Men vi hörs! Måste ut innan det blir mörkt i parken!

<3 Manhattan <3

My first hours in 'The big apple'!

The planeride wasn't that bad actually.. I fell asleep before we had left Arlanda, woke up when they gave us food, fell asleep again and woke up when there was only 4 hours left :) so I watched 'Black swan' (great movie) and then I fell asleep again :P
We arrived to Newark about 11.40 and I got my bags about 12.15 :)
I came to Manhattan about 13.40,  (because of the traffic) dropped off my bags at the place where I slept last night (lovely apt!!) and then I met up with Anna!!!! YAAAAAY! :D
We ended the evening in the apt with some wine but at 10pm I was to freaking tired since I had travelled all day long so I went to bed while Anna stayed up....
It's now 7.38 and I can't sleep anymore... Booring!
We are moving in to our own apt today and it's going to be FREAKING FREAKING awesome!!!!!! <3
I <3 Manhattan!!!! <3

Just a few hours away...

´The final hours are here... My plane takes off in about 14 hours..... SHIT!
I´m about to live my 12 years old dream! It´s crazy!

 It all started when I was about 9 years old and watched "Sex and the city", I immediately fell in love with the city... For about 7 years I wished to go there before my mum and dad finally gave me and my older sister a weekendtrip to NYC for christmas... We went there and I loved it (if possible) even more! SIICK!!! I LOOOVE THAT city and this will be my 6th time there and this "trip" will last for about 3 years!!!! OH CHEEESES!!!! :D :D :D :D

Of course, I will miss everyone here in Sweden to death! :'(

Stockholm is my past, New York is my future <3

It´s the final countdown!

It really is "the final countdown" now...
Yesterday I booked my ticket so i´m going at 9am (swedish time) on thursday and I will land in New York around 12pm (U.S.A time)... It´s CRAZY!!! There´s so many "small" things that has to be done before I go and then I have to meet up with everyone to say "goodbye" (it´s not really a goodbye since we will meet again my dear friends!) I´m just 9 hours away!

I really have to thank GOstudy that made all this come true! Without them all this would still just be a dream for me! They really take care of everything! Jesper Hammar at GOstudy is THE BEST (I´m sure they all are as good as him)! He has helped me sooooo much! THANK YOU!!!!
If you also dream about going abroad to study I really think you should contact GOstudy (http://www.gostudy.se/) and let them help you to make your dream come true for just 1500 kronor!!!!

It´s time for me to sleep because tomorrow it´s my last day at work!


It´s getting closer!!!

Today it´s 10 freaking days left until i´m moving across the big pond (okay, i´m not totally sure that i´m going on the 31th yet but I REALLY hope that I will.. ) and it´s so freaking CRAZY!

Went to the embassy today which I was SUPER nervous about (don´t know why :S) but as everyone told me it all went GREAT! They told me that I´ll have my passport and my visa within a week :D

It´s getting closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry! Busy busy!

I know that it has been a REALLY slow update lately! I'm still so freaking busy with everything that has to be done before i'm moving so there's no time for fun left!! But once I move it will all be better, hopefully :P I mean unless school takes all my time!
The day before yesterday I got my schedule for the first quarter at school! Looking good!!! :D
Time to end this and get busy at work! Bye for now! <3

The academy awards has come to its end!

Yes, that was the 83rd annual Academy Awards!
I thought that it was a pretty lame show this year... No middleacts, not so much humor and as I wrote earlier, James Franco was either high or he had taken Zanax :S

But here are some of the winners (just the big categories) : 

Best supporting actress:  Marissa Leo (The fighter)

Best animated short film: The lost thing

Best animated feature:  Toy Story 3

Adapted screenplay:  Aaron Sorking (The social Network)

Best original screenplay:  David Seidler (The King´s speech)

Best foreign film: Susanne Bier (In a better world, Denmark)

Best actor in a supporting role: Christian Bale (The fighter)

Best original score:  Trent Reznor and  Atticus Ross  (The social Network)

Best sound mixing:  Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick    (Inception)

Best Sound editing: Richard King (Inception)

Costume design:  Colleen Atwood(Alice in Wonderland)

Directing: Tom Hooper (The King´s speech)

Actress  in a leading role: Natalie Portman (Black Swan)

Actor in a leading role:  Colin Firth (The king´s speech)

Best picture:  The king´s speech

So, those were (some of) the winners at the 83rd annual Academy Awards!

As my friend Palmira and I said: We hope that next year, Sandra Bullock is hosting 84th annual Academy awards! She is both humoristic and "hostable" :D

Dresswise I thought that Hailey Steinfeld (True grit) looked STUNNING!!! Mariza Tomei and Jennifer Hudson had nice dresses but overall I thought that everyone looked pretty booring! 
Matthew McCounaghey, WTF happened to your face!?!?!?

Time for me to get some sleep! Good night!

Halfway thru the show....

We are now halfway thru the Academy Awards! So far, "The Social Network" and "Inception" has won the most awards...
Anne Hathaway and James Franco isn´t as good as I thought but I like Anne.. It seems like Franco has taken Zanax or something relaxing :/

Let´s move on to the big categories!!! :D

The Academy Awards!!!

The night of 'The Academy Awards' has finally arrived! I LOOVE it! It's the 83rd annual Academy Awards! Anne Hathaway and James Franco are co-hosting the show tonight so it should be good :)
I've put on a dress, earrings and of course put on some make-up! It's time for GALA!!! :D Let's do this!

So much going on!

What a slow update! Cheeses!
Well, it's been CRAZY! There's soo much things to do before I move to NYC (in about 35 days :D) and on top of everything I work my 2 jobs! Busy lady, LOL!
Last saturday we celebrated my aunt's husbands 50th birthday :) There were like 60 of us and we went on a Finland-Cruise for 24 hours! It was SOOOO MUCH FUN! I really can't explain how funny it was! So, lot's of things going on now!
Take care!

Sick days, SO BORED!!

I started feeling sick last fridayevening (after that freaking "snowstormmorning"). When I woke up saturdaymorning to go to work and work 8am-8pm I felt even worse... But of course I went anyway and it was terrible all day long! I wanted to go home so bad but we were already "low" on staff so I stayied until 7.20pm.. At that point I couldn´t take it anymore! I even called for a taxi to take me home because I really couldn´t imagine myself taking the bus and the train...
I got home like 8 o´clock and went straight to bed!

So now i´ve spent like 3 days in bed! I´ve just been drinking tea, honeywater and warm milk with honey and that´s all! It really was the worst cold EVER!!!!
I´m not well yet but I really have to go to work tomorrow! :( This cought really drives me CRAZY!!!! And also, IT`S SOOOOO BORING TO BE IN BED ALL DAY LONG!!!! Hate being sick!!

Snowstorm!!! FREAKING SHIT!!!!

So, it's now 3 hours since I started trying to get to work! There's a snowstorm here in Sweden and all the buses are cancelled, the trains are over 1 hour late and all the taxis are taken.... At first I went to my regular busstop, no bus came so I walked thru like 19 inches of snow to another busstop (about 1 mile)... My hands and feets were  FREEZING and no bus came so I went back home to try to call for a taxi, without luck of course.... 1 hour later I got a taxi and it drove me to the trainstation.. At the trainstation I (and of course many others) had to wait for 40 minutes for the train.. That's where I am now and now there's problem with the doors and a stopsignal is broken on the rail.... IT'S SOOO COLD AND I FREAKING HATE THE WINTER!!!!!!

My day "off"......

Today was my day off (now I´ll work until next thursday..) but I do not feel rested at all!

I got up around 8am, had breakfast, took a shower and then I went to the study abroadagency to take some tests for my future college... This test is for them to see my skillevel so they know which class they should put me in so that the whole class is on the same level... It was both english and math... The englishtest contained 3 parts and the mathtest was just one part... I came to the agency around 10am and left around 2pm! CHEESES! We had some internetproblems and also my computer isn´t the quickest, lol...

On my way home I was soo hungry and of course my train was cancelled because of the FREAKING snow!!! So, I had to take the subway and the bus which takes about 30 minutes longer.... FREAKING FREAKING SHIT!!! I was home for about an hour to eat and then I went the swimingpool at the sports center and swam about 1,2 miles.. YAAY MEEEEE! :D So freaking GOOOOOOD!



I did great in both tests apperently :P LOOOL! Soo much crying for nothing!

Can´t wait to get there and get my future started :D It will be awsome and EPIC!!!



I think I did good this time! :) I used my 'second chance' and I did it GOOD! ( It felt so anyway!!!) ;)
All this made me so HAPPY  that I first bought myself a dress and a cardigan and then I agreed on going on a  to Finland saturday-sunday with my cousin Jessica :D it's going to be EPIC!!!!! <3

My second chance!

So, tomorrow i'm getting a second chance... Hope i'll turn out better this time!!!! But, this time i won't take it for granted like i did last time..... Crossing my fingers and praying to God!

I have to get rid of all the "flebb";)

In like 3 weeks it´s time for my "uncles" 50th birthday party and there´s alot of people coming!
Since i´ve lost about 88 ibs (40 kilos) I have some skin hanging (that´s what me and my cousin Jessica call "flebb") and I really want to get rid of it (or at least some of it) before the party! My arms are the nr 1 priority!

Let the transformation begin! :D :D

Oh yes, Bye bye flebb! Hello fit arms!!!!

Hate it!

Don't know what's going to happen...
Everyone tells me not to worry but I can't forget the fact that everything might  get fucked up...... :( I DON'T LIKE NOT KNOWING!!!!

Had the weirdest dream!

Last night I dreamed the weirdest dream...

 I dreamed that I was running in a dark forest and all of a sudden I turned around and saw all of my clothes hanging in the trees... so I was naked... Then i ran home (still naked) and realized that no one was home and I had no keys..

What does this dream mean?! I´m so curious!

dark forest
What does it mean?!

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