Väntar på "Hurricane Irene"!
"Hurricane Irene" kommer våran väg. Vi bor dock inte i någon utav Zonerna som är Evakueringsvarnade men gatorna runt omkring våran är både Zoner B och C.. (Zon A är tvungna att evakuera, Zon B borde fundera på att evakuera och Zon C ska vänta och se).
Jag hoppas att vi kommer vara säkra här i våran lägenhet.. Vi har självklart handlat hem vad vi kan behöva och hittills har stormen inte kommit än. Just nu har den precis lämnat North Carolina och förväntas nå New York och Manhattan senare ikväll... Anna tejpade för vårat sovrumsfönster och vi ska antagligen tejpa i vardagsrummet om det blir riktigt illa.. Men vi får se... So far so good lixom!
Här är en bild som jag hittade på aftonbladet.se :
Såhär förutspår dom att lower Manhattan kommer se ut efter den här stormen!
Dom har stängt av ALLA bussar, tunnelbanor, tåg och allting på Manhattan och ut i staten, vilket aldrig har hänt tidigare! Det är lite nervöst alltså!
So far so good som sagt... men tror att det kommer bli svårt att ta sig till skolan på måndag :P
Det enda vi kan göra är att sitta i våran lägenhet på femte våningen och ta det lungt och se vad som händer känner jag!
Wish us luck! ;P
It´s all about College!
People who know we know that I suck at math! I really really suck at it, but this week before my math test my landlord helped me study and explained everything to me in Swedish. She taught me the easiest trick and I went to the test feeling more confident than EVER!
Today I got the test back and I scored 100%!!!!!! I don´t think I´ve EVER scored 100% on a math test! SOOO HAPPY ABOUT IT!!!
Today I also finnished the draft of my my persuasive essay about why you should eat meat, and I gotta say that it feels damn good! :) Really enjoyed writing it and since I went to culinary school, a lot of what I wrote came from what we actually learned in school!
I really hope i´ll get an A on it because right now my english grade is pretty darn good! :D
We met Alexander Skarsgård! :)
It´s been raining on and off since 4 this morning, which is okay by me since I love hearing the rain against the window. Especially when i´m asleep :)
So, this week we met Alexander Skarsgård! :)
He´s shooting a movie (a remake of an old movie named "What Maisie knew" ) here in New York and we were on set the whole day and watched him work... He´s even hotter in real life!
He´s such a good actor and you should have seen how ADORABLE he was with the little girl that´s in the movie with him! He will be a GREAT father, for sure!!!!
Hate being sick!
When I woke up this monday morning I couldn´t even swallow because of the pain in my throath! Felt cold and the pain in my head was terrible.. So I never went to my math class on monday morning, but I had a midterm in my microeconomics class so I just had to go to that! Right after I went back home and fell asleep, though.. Went to my english class on tuesday because It´s the only class I have on tuesdays! When I came home around 12.30 on tuesday I went to bed and more or less slept until this morning! Have had a fever and a stuffed nose!
This morning when I woke up I felt a lot better though but once I sat in my classroom everything came back! My head was about to explode and my troath felt like I was trying to swallow a christmas tree! Went home and cleaned the apartment (things that has to be done sometimes, sick or not sick)
Well, It feels like it´s going in the right direction anyway! (I hope!) Drinking lot´s of honeywater and eating ice-cream :)
Finally the weekend is here! Going to chill and take it easy all weekend long... I think ;)
Let´s see where life takes me! ;P
Now my head hurts again so i´m gonna go to bed instead and watch something on the computer!
See ya! ;)
Long time no write... Sorry about that ;)
So, what´s going on in my life now? Well, we´re in the middle of this school quarter so on monday I have a midterm in Microeconomics. Hopefully I´ll do great... Should study a bit though :P
Met sexy irish dude Colin Farell this week! DAMN HE`S HOT! He´s also very nice, which I didn´t think at all.. I´ve heard that he´s supposed to be a real douche! I was kinda nervous before we met him but he really tried to give everyone that were standing there his autograph and pictures and he asked the people that almost got hurt from all the pushing and stuff if they were okay. I´m really glad that I met him actually! It totally gave me a new way to look at him!
Sadly enough I didn´t get a picture with him but here´s a picture that I took of him while he was giving people his autograph
Other celebrities I´ve met this week is Josh Groban, James Franco (which is a douche!) and Emma Stone!
It´s all about the rich and the famous, right! ;)