Air message at the pier!
Second day in a row that i´ve been at the pier with coffe and just been chillaxing! Yesterday I was there with Louise and we bought candy from Sockerbit (the Swedish candy store here in NYC) and coffe and just sat on the pier for an hour or so and talked about everything and nothing, just like girls do ;)
Today I went there with both Anna and Louise and when we sat there we saw something really cool up in the air! Someone got an airmessage!!!
and after like 15 minutes the rest of it came...
I want an air message too!!!! :P
It was wonderful down there at the pier with the wonderful sunset and good company :D
Sleepless in NYC...
Well, i'm getting up in about 5 hours for my 8am class but I can't sleep... They say New York is the city that never sleeps but right now it's totally quiet outside my window. Or maybe I just can't hear anything because of the AC.
I went to a street market today on upper west side which was pretty good! The sun was shining and there was not too many people :) I didn't buy anything but it was nice just to be out and look around!
Should give the sleeping another try so that I can get up for my 'Writing through litterature'- class in the morning!
Have a good one!
Yet another goodbye...
Last week when we came home from lovely Orlando we, Anna´s high school friend Totte decided to come to New York since he realized that he would have a slow week in school back in Sweden.
He was here during the summer with his parents so I´ve met him before so he lived here with us! It was totally lovely to have him here!
It really feels like i´ve known him forever!
Sadly enough he left this morning :( Teniqua will miss Dshawn! ;)
Now I have to get ready because today it´s Louise birthday so we´re going out for mexican food in the village to celebrate! Going to be FUN!!! :D
See ya!
'School bag in hand...'
Today school started again after one wonderful week off!
Had my first marketing class today and it seems good... My professor is a bit of a joker so I think we will get along :)
Right now i'm just sitting in Central Park and chillaxing, it's really nice I must say! About 23 degrees celsius :)
We live in a LOVELY house and we have our own private pool in the backyard! I´m swimming about 30 minutes before breakfast every morning (okay, only been here 2 mornings so far but anyway..)
Yesterday we went to DisneyWorld and we were there for about 10 hours!!! (Falling asleep yesterday was NOT a problem!;) The Disney fireworks was SOO FREAKING LOVELY!!! Had tears in my eyes and chills the whole time! SO CRAZY!!!
And how come no one ever told me Alladin is a HOT PIECE?! Haha, Anna and I were watching him for about 10 minutes before we realized that we were looking like creeps ;)
(Hello ALLADIN!)
Well, tomorrow we are going to Universal studios and on thursday we are going to Sea world which is going to be crazy!! I´m going to CRYYYYY when I see the dolphines!!! LOVELY!
Have to go and work on my tan now ;) (Trying to go from milky to eggshell ;)
Smell ya later! ;)
Yep, our Orlando vacation is about to start! Arrived to the airport here in Orlando around 9.30 and we are still sitting here and waiting for Anna´s parents. We booked our own flight Anna and I and never thought about asking what time they would arrive ;) But we have our Starbucks and our computers so it´s all good.. They are coming soon and then we´re going to the house where we will be living! It´s going to be AWESOME!!!
Tomorrow we are going to Disney World, then we are going to Universal Studios and Sea world during the week! (I CAN`T WAIT TO SEE THE DOLPHINES!!!!!!!!)
Anna and I left our apartment at 3 this morning and I didn´t sleep before that since I had lot´s of things to do before take off so in about 28 hours I´ve slept for about 1 and a half on the plane! And that was NOT a deep sleep, I must say.. But anyways, I´m alive and in Orlando! :D
Will probably go to bed early tonight since we are going to be at Disney World all day long tomorrow! :D
See ya! ;)
Finally the last week of this quarter is about to start which means it will soon be over!!!!
I just have a freaking final exam in Microeconomics tomorrow and then I have a research paper that´s due on thursday which is the last day! We are going to Orlando with Anna´s parents on our 1 week break before the fall quarter starts! It will be awesome!!!!
Yesterday it was FNO in the whole city! FNO stands for Fashion Night Out and it kinda of a kick off for Fashion Week here in NYC.
Anna and I just walked down Fifth Avenue and checked out lot´s of stores and drank their free champagne! It was AWESOME!!
We saw Whoopi Goldberg and Yvonne Ryding (Miss Universe back in the 80's I think, from Sweden)
So much fun! :D
Vad gör man nu?
Min farmor somnade in idag efter många år med svår demens. Vad händer nu? Jag sitter här på andra sidan jordklotet och går i skolan hela tiden lixom.....
Ärligt talat så vet jag inte vad som händer nu...... Kinda sucks faktiskt :(
Har inte varit så nära min farmor på massa år, typ sen jag var 12 kanske men ändå så är det ju en förlust i familjen vilket ju är väldigt tråkigt :( Speciellt för min pappa som nu inte har några föräldrar kvar :( Usch, hemskt är det!!!!
Väntar på "Hurricane Irene"!
"Hurricane Irene" kommer våran väg. Vi bor dock inte i någon utav Zonerna som är Evakueringsvarnade men gatorna runt omkring våran är både Zoner B och C.. (Zon A är tvungna att evakuera, Zon B borde fundera på att evakuera och Zon C ska vänta och se).
Jag hoppas att vi kommer vara säkra här i våran lägenhet.. Vi har självklart handlat hem vad vi kan behöva och hittills har stormen inte kommit än. Just nu har den precis lämnat North Carolina och förväntas nå New York och Manhattan senare ikväll... Anna tejpade för vårat sovrumsfönster och vi ska antagligen tejpa i vardagsrummet om det blir riktigt illa.. Men vi får se... So far so good lixom!
Här är en bild som jag hittade på :
Såhär förutspår dom att lower Manhattan kommer se ut efter den här stormen!
Dom har stängt av ALLA bussar, tunnelbanor, tåg och allting på Manhattan och ut i staten, vilket aldrig har hänt tidigare! Det är lite nervöst alltså!
So far so good som sagt... men tror att det kommer bli svårt att ta sig till skolan på måndag :P
Det enda vi kan göra är att sitta i våran lägenhet på femte våningen och ta det lungt och se vad som händer känner jag!
Wish us luck! ;P
Hate being sick!
When I woke up this monday morning I couldn´t even swallow because of the pain in my throath! Felt cold and the pain in my head was terrible.. So I never went to my math class on monday morning, but I had a midterm in my microeconomics class so I just had to go to that! Right after I went back home and fell asleep, though.. Went to my english class on tuesday because It´s the only class I have on tuesdays! When I came home around 12.30 on tuesday I went to bed and more or less slept until this morning! Have had a fever and a stuffed nose!
This morning when I woke up I felt a lot better though but once I sat in my classroom everything came back! My head was about to explode and my troath felt like I was trying to swallow a christmas tree! Went home and cleaned the apartment (things that has to be done sometimes, sick or not sick)
Well, It feels like it´s going in the right direction anyway! (I hope!) Drinking lot´s of honeywater and eating ice-cream :)
Finally the weekend is here! Going to chill and take it easy all weekend long... I think ;)
Let´s see where life takes me! ;P
Now my head hurts again so i´m gonna go to bed instead and watch something on the computer!
See ya! ;)
Long time no write... Sorry about that ;)
So, what´s going on in my life now? Well, we´re in the middle of this school quarter so on monday I have a midterm in Microeconomics. Hopefully I´ll do great... Should study a bit though :P
Met sexy irish dude Colin Farell this week! DAMN HE`S HOT! He´s also very nice, which I didn´t think at all.. I´ve heard that he´s supposed to be a real douche! I was kinda nervous before we met him but he really tried to give everyone that were standing there his autograph and pictures and he asked the people that almost got hurt from all the pushing and stuff if they were okay. I´m really glad that I met him actually! It totally gave me a new way to look at him!
Sadly enough I didn´t get a picture with him but here´s a picture that I took of him while he was giving people his autograph
Other celebrities I´ve met this week is Josh Groban, James Franco (which is a douche!) and Emma Stone!
It´s all about the rich and the famous, right! ;)
A little NYC update!
Sometimes it´s really freaking awesome to be home alone! Got coffee and Caramel Creamers and i´m watching 'So you think you can dance'! I also have to finnish the editing of my narrative essay that I have to write for my English 105 class..
I´m writing about when I met the Entourage cast actually :P Haha, I know it sounds pretty lame but my Professor actually really wanted me to write about it! :D Sounds good to me, I must say!
I talked to my friends in Sweden (Huddinge) today on the phone! They were having a BBQ, which always have been one of my favorite things to do with them because our BBQ´s are so FREAKING awesome! It felt REALLY good to talk to them! Miss them SO FREAKING much!
<3<3<3 All my love to you tonight! Thinking about you everyday and I miss you CRAZY much!! HUDDINGEBBQ`S ROOOOCKS!! <3<3<3
Back to normal, I guess...
Well, Anna´s best friend Jennifer left us and went home to Sweden after spending two weeks here with us.. Honestly, it´s empty here now...
I guess everything is going back to normal now, we´re back in School and no one is visiting until september probably (hopefulle earlier though!)
Anna and I are about to start a new project now that I really can´t talk about yet but it´s going to be awesome! It will give us a more to do which is good and that means we don´t have to think about our loved once back in Sweden that much...
I just did my laundry by the way! I always feel so damn relieved and good when i´m done, but still it takes me a few days before I actually do it... Why can´t I ever learn?
Time to get ready to go to bed! Getting up at 4.30 tomorrow to "work" on our project before school! ;)
See ya!
Small update from the state of New York!
Yeah, i´m still recovering from when my parents were here on my spring break so I´m not gonna post the pictures or anything yet.. But, I can still blog! :)
Right now, Anna´s best friend Jennifer is visiting! So, there´s a lot going on right now :)
Today we´re going to Queens mall after school and on saturday we´re going to Six Flags! HELL YEAH!!! It´s like the sickest amusement park!! They have one rollercoaster ride where you stand up! :S Wanna try it but i´m kinda scared.... Let´s see what happens ;)
Right now i´m just home for lunch between my classes.. Had math this morning and at 1.30 I have microeconomics :) Have a test in both of those classes on monday :(
Almost time to go back to school.. See ya! ;)
There´s not only shiny days in New York..
Veckan med mamma och pappa var bortom underbar!
Vi hade en helt fantaskisk tid tillsammans och sen dom åkte har jag mått piss... När man äntligen träffar dom inser man hur mycket man faktiskt saknar dom varenda vakna sekund... Sen dom åkte har jag haft ångest och gråtit en hel del.. Har hela tiden en känsla av att jag bara vill strunta i allt och åka hem, hem till min familj och allt jag vet om. Hem dit jag kan jobba och tjäna pengar, hem där jag kan träffa vänner utan att tänka, "shit, har jag verkligen råd med det här kaffet?", hem där jag kan krama min familj när jag vill... Att leva som en extremt fattig student i New York är inte direkt drömmen...
Jag vet dock att om jag lämnar allt och åker hem så kommer jag för alltid ångra mig! Att sitta där när jag är 65 och ångra massa saker är en utav mina mardrömmar...
att lämna allt vore att ta den enkla vägen ut, utan att kämpa, och jag vill tro att jag är en kämpare, så jag antar att jag måste stanna och ta mig igenom dom jobbiga dagarna!
Det blev lite lättare när skolan började igen i tisdags, men idag är det en vecka sen dom åkte och även min mammas/bästa väns födelsedag och det känns så otroligt jobbigt att inte vara där hos henne <3<3<3
Jag ska lägga upp bilder och skriva mer om hur vi hade det under våran vecka tillsammans men jag är inte redo att kolla på bilderna eller gå igenom i mitt huvud allt underbara vi gjorde, så jag låter det och alla känslor lägga sig innan jag drar upp dom igen....
Saknar min familj av hela mitt hjärta <3<3<3
Usch vad dåligt bloggat det var här!
Fy vad dåligt av mig! Jag har inte haft dator på ett dag för jag lämnade in min på verkstad så dom kunde fixa den vilket dom inte gjorde...
Men efter att ha stått och tittat på dom under deras sista försök som även det misslyckades och dom kom fram till att jag måste betala 200 dollar till för att fixa min 4 år gamla dator och jag sa att jag sklle tänka på det gick jag hem och tog lite av deras knep och använde lite egen hjärna och fixade den så den är användbar iallafall! Tills mamma och pappa kommer med min nya dator vilket dom gör på måndag :D YAY!!! Gladast är jag ju över att dom kommer iof! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
Men men, det är då... Vad har hänt senaste tiden?
Well, det har varit en del i skolan med finals och slutgrejjer i skolan. Men idag fick jag veta att jag har fått A i slutbetyg i alla mina klasser!!!!!!! YAAAAY!! Så det var allt slit och pluggande!!! :D
Igår var det Annas födelsedag vilket var väldigt kul! :D Det blev ju lite firande lixom! Och när hon kom hem från skolan hade jag fixat med ballonger, cupcakes och presenter :D Tror hon var nöjd faktiskt vilket jag blir glad av :D
Sen åkte vi för en öl på vårat lilla hak.. Åh, Bartendern där är så UNDERBART sexig! Dessutom bjuder han oftast på nått att dricka :D MÅSTE ta med mamma och pappa dit!
Egentligen har vi bara 1 veckas lov mellan terminerna men alla mina lärare beslutade sig tydligen för att inte ha några lektioner sista veckan så jag fick 2 veckors lov jag :D SKÖNT!
Så hinner jag vila upp mig innan mamma och pappa kommer för då har jag INGEN tid att sova på! Kommer vara under deras naglar i en vecka ;) ÅHH VAD JAG LÄNGTAR!!!
Nu blir det lite mer TV och lathet i soffan!
The heat is ON!
The city is getting HOT! I really like it though!
Today after school I went home to put on my trainingoutfit and went out to the park for a powerwalk! I have FREAKING never been so sweaty! But It was very nice! Went home, worked out and then I took a COLD shower! So freaking nice!!!!
Summer is here!
Apparently we are getting 100 degrees tomorrow! (that´s about 37 celcius!!)
Today has been a good day!
This morning when I woke up I was super worried about my English essay... I just had a feeling that I had missunderstood the whole thing for some strange reason...
When I walked in to the classroom my teacher walked up to me and the first thing she said was "You did excellent"... Apperently I did good on it! I scored 98% on it!!!! SHIT!!! Felt like I was walking on sunshine :P SOOO HAPPY!!!!!
Also, I FINALLY managed to fix my computer today! Suddenly I just did it! It hasn´t been working since I moved here (and that´s almost 3 months ago!) so I´ve been using Annas old computer! BUT NOW I GOT MY OWN LITTLE BABY!!!! :D YAAAAY!
Today I´ve had such a lovely and relaxed day!
I got up at 10.15 and had coffee/breakfast that Anna made. I watched TV for a while but then I decided that since the weather was so nice I just had to do something! Decided to make some lunch (pastasalad with pasta, lettuce, turkey and sundried tomatoes :) and take it with me to Central Park. So I did!
Went to Central Park, sat in the grass and ate my salad. About 2 hours later I went home to refill my water bottle and then I went back and started to walk around in the park!
I just walked and walked... Most of the time I had no idea where in the park I were but I mean, as long as you´re in the park you know your somewhere between 59th and 120th street :P The walk lasted for about 1 and a half hour before I realized I was back in the area I know the best... The sun has been LOVELY the whole day! I even burned my shoulders and neck :/
Here´s one of the pictures I took during my walk!
<3<3<3SUCH A LOVELY VIEW!<3<3<3
Now i´ve worked out and taken a shower.... Almost time for dinner and some drinks ;)
Have a great weekend!!<3